5 Ways to Teach Your Preschooler About Colors

My daughter Madeline is now two. She loves going to preschool and learning. I am creating activities to do with Madeline to reinforce what she is learning in school. Currently, Madeline is learning all about colors. This has been a bit of a difficult concept for her, but I’ve created some activities to help her.

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Five Ways to Teach Your Preschooler About Colors

1. Reading: First and foremost, to help Madeline learn about colors, we are reading lots and lots of books that incorporate colors. Here are our favorites:

    With eye-catching illustrations, Madeline loves this simple story of how a chameleon learns to accept his ability to change colors.

    This is a cute story that reinforces colors.

    Madeline loves pressing the animal sound buttons as we read this story!

    Madeline loves this story since it is so repetitive. She loves reading it with me and reading it to herself.

    This book has fun finger print textures. We love to look for the hidden objects in the pictures.

    This is a sweet story about a bunny who asks his friends help to figure out what makes a rainbow. Madeline loves how ribbon colors are added to the rainbow as you turn the page. This has been a favorite since she was a baby!

    2. Sorting Activities: I’ve created some simple and fun color sorting activities. Madeline loves these! Her favorite is the Animal Color Sort. She loves to stick and pull apart the Velcro.

    3. Coloring: I created this simple and fun coloring book. Preschoolers can easily learn to read this book themselves too!

    4. Science: Madeline loved this Rainbow Drops experiment. She Especially enjoyed making the drops with the colors and the medicine dropper and trying to mix the colors.

    5. Crafts: This is one of the crafts we made. While I needed to do all of the cutting, Madeline helped me paste the rainbow strips on the cloud and say the color names of each rainbow strip.
    For these activities and more, click here to purchase my Colors for Preschoolers product:

    Julie Magicore Signature

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