Synonyms & Antonyms Task Cards – 4th & 5th Grade – FL BEST ELA.4.V.1.3/5.V.1.3
⭐️ These 30 task cards leveled for 4th & 5th grade students are created to closely align with FL B.E.S.T ELA.4.V.1.3 and ELA.5.V.1.3. Use context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or background knowledge to determine the meaning of multiple-meaning and unknown words and phrases, appropriate to grade level.
⭐️ Questions distinguish between FL B.E.S.T definitions of Synonyms & Antonyms.
⭐️ Questions are asked in a variety of ways to meet testing expectations.
Suggested Uses:
✏️ Centers – These are perfect to use in centers and independent/partner work.
✏️ Scoot – Pass out one card for each student. Set a timer and say, “scoot!” when the timer goes off. Students move seats to the next card. They continue to rotate until they are back in their original seat.
✏️ Scavenger Hunt – Hide cards around the room. Students search for cards and answer them.
✏️ Games – Number block tower blocks. Students stack the blocks, then take turns pulling blocks. Students answer the corresponding number card.
✏️ Whole-Class Practice – Teacher displays card on the projector. Students answer on mini-whiteboards.
✏️ Exit Tickets – Give each student a task card at the end of the lesson. Have them answer on a sticky note.
What’s Included:
- 30 synonyms & antonyms task cards
- 1 Multiple Choice Question for Each Passage
- Challenge card
- Recording Template
- Answer Key
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