Literature Circle Unit

Literature Circle Unit


Total Pages: 38
File Size: 3 MB


⭐️The purpose of this unit is to provide structure, while guiding your students towards independence with literature circles. Activities are intended to make students think on a higher-level, while growing a love of reading.

⭐️This unit is designed for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. It can be used with any book.

Table of Contents

*This resource can be used with any books you choose for literature circles.

  1. Suggestions for Implementing Literature Circles
  2. Literature Circle Roles
  3. Bookmarks for Each Role
  4. Accountable Talk Poster
  5. Accountable Talk Student Cards
  6. Literature Circle Journal
  7. Book Project Ideas
  8. Daily Rubric
  9. Final Rubric


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