⭐️This Reading Review Packet is perfect for assigning as take home work over extended breaks or unexpected absences. Print and go resource contains a collection of material from my best selling resources to give you everything you need to provide students with an effective homework reading activity packet.
⭐️Perfect for assigning during extended breaks. Letter to parents provides engagement for parental guidance with packet material and additional reading activities.
⭐️Includes Certificate of Completion.
✏️Lexile Levels – Each passage contains a certified Lexile measure within the 4th grade and 5th grade Common Core Reading Band.
✏️Integrated Color Coding – Color coding strategy encourages students to learn how to find and use text evidence in their answers.
✏️Various Reading Skills – Mix of passages, vocabulary, and other skill based worksheets make this packet perfect for preventing regression over long breaks.
✏️Test Focused Skills – School may be postponed, but testing will most likely happen right on schedule. These passages, worksheets, and activities will keep students sharp
What’s Inside:
1. Letter to Parents
2. Three Week Home Learning Schedule
3. Independent Reading Tic-Tac-Toe Exercises
4. Week 1 Activities:
- Week 1, Day 1
- Word Work: Not Prefixes
- Reading Comprehension: A Treat for Grandmother & Man vs. Child
- Writing: Narrative Brainstorm
- Week 1, Day 2
- Word Work: Similes
- Reading Comprehension: Where are the Honeybees?
- Writing: Narrative Planning
- Week 1, Day 3
- Word Work: Antonyms
- Reading Comprehension: Erosion
- Writing: Narrative Draft
- Week 1, Day 4 & Day 5
- Word Work: Dictionary Skills
- Reading Comprehension: Roswell Comic and Nonfiction Article Compare
- Writing: Narrative Book Final Copy
5. Week 2 Activities:
- Week 2, Day 1
- Word Work: Digital Dictionary Skills
- Reading Comprehension: The Crash
- Writing: Opinion Brainstorm
- Week 2, Day 2
- Word Work: Context Clues
- Reading Comprehension: The Scientific Method
- Writing: Opinion Writing Planning
- Week 2, Day 3
- Word Work: Metaphors
- Reading Comprehension: All About Pickles
- Writing: Opinion Writing Draft
- Week 2, Day 4
- Word Work: Numerical Prefixes
- Reading Comprehension: Camping Cub
- Writing: Opinion Writing Final
- Week 2, Day 5
- Word Work: Suffixes
- Reading Comprehension: Seeking Adventure
- Writing: Opinion Continue Writing Final
6. Week 3 Activities:
- Week 3, Day 1
- Word Work: Context Clues
- Reading Comprehension: Leroy’s Lesson
- Writing: Explanatory Planning
- Week 3, Day 2
- Word Work: Personification
- Reading Comprehension: Dangerous Devices
- Writing: Explanatory Draft
- Week 3, Day 3
- Word Work: Thesaurus Skills
- Reading Comprehension: A True Friend
- Writing: Explanatory Final Copy
- Week 3, Day 4
- Word Work: Suffix Review
- Reading Comprehension: Salem Witch Trials
- Writing: Final Copy
- Week 3, Day 5
- Word Work: Suffix: Mis
- Reading Comprehension: Poetry
- Writing: Rhyme Poems
7. Certificate of Completion
Magicore is a Certified Lexile Partner:
See more about why certified Lexile measures matter by clicking on the product preview and navigating to the About Lexile Levels page.
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