⭐️ These digital Reading Comprehension Mini Lessons for Google Slides & Seesaw are perfect for classroom & distance learning. This bundle includes five days of mini lessons for every 3rd grade reading comprehension standard based skill. Each unit is skill based and features lessons that utilize interactive multimedia, mentor text picture books, YouTube read alouds, skill based questions, anchor charts, and more.
⭐️ These lessons are designed for teachers to present and complete with students remotely or in person as a presentation. Each lesson is designed to take one week to complete, but they are flexible and can also be used as a review center for students.
⭐️ Mentor texts are carefully selected to meet each lesson standard and include a wide range of diverse characters.
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✏️ Skill Overview – Each mini lesson includes a video that introduces the skill.
✏️ Anchor Charts – Fillable skill based anchor charts help students grasp key concepts.
✏️ Multimedia Engagement – Integrates read-alouds via YouTube links.
✏️ Interactive – Slides are interactive with fillable text boxes and integrated links and embedded videos.
✏️ Skill Focused – Graphic organizers to practice each comprehension skill or strategy.
✏️ Quick Assessment – Exit ticket for informal assessment at the end of each lesson.
Teachers Just ❤️LOVE❤️ This Resource:
★ Tasha L. said, “This is amazing! I have never been so excited about a resource as I was about this. It has all the standards that I use and for a whole week. They are simple and easy that to give them to my distance students is perfect so they can learn while I teach my in person students the same thing, that can at least get great instruction! Thank you!!“
★ Stephanie R. said, “I am so happy that I found this. I was reassigned to teach 2nd and 3rd grade seven days before school began. I have been out of the classroom for 2 years. I can’t tell you the stress I was under until I found this resource. It is changing everything. Thank you!“
What is Included?
3rd Grade Reading Literature
RL.3.1 Ask and Answer Questions in Fiction
RL.3.2 Recount Stories
RL.3.3 Describe Characters
RL.3.4 Figurative Language
RL.3.5 Fiction Structure
RL.3.6 Point of View
RL.3.7 Use Illustrations
RL.3.9 Compare & Contrast Similar Stories
RL.3.10 Fiction Comprehension Review
3rd Grade Reading Informational Text
RI.3.1 Ask and Answer Questions in Nonfiction
RI.3.2 Topic, Main Idea, and Details
RI.3.3 Connections in Historical Events, Scientific Ideas, and Technical Steps
RI.3.4 Context Clues
RI.3.5 Text and Web Features
RI.3.6 Point of View
RI.3.7 Nonfiction Text Images
RI.3.8 Nonfiction Text Structure
RI.3.9 Compare and Contrast Points
RI.3.10 Nonfiction Comprehension Review
*Some of the lessons available in this resource are the same as the 2nd grade bundle. You can purchase a multi-grade level bundle for a discount here.
Not a Google Classroom?
These units can easily be converted to PowerPoint for use with Microsoft Teams. Preloaded links for SeeSaw activities are also included.
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For copyright information and a summary of how this resource can and cannot be used, please review the Terms of Use Page.
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