Variation, Survival, & Reproduction NGSS 3-LS4-2 Science Differentiated Passages
⭐️ How do variations in plant and animals characteristics give survival advantages? In these science differentiated passages students will read about traits that help species survive. Students will read how flower color helps attract pollinators, peacock tails attract mates, and how large beetles are more apt to survive.
⭐️ This unit is perfect for 3rd grade. It was created to align with 3-LS4-2 but can be used in any classroom to teach students about variation, survival, and reproduction.
⭐️Integrates key reading skills, with a focus on problem and solution. Incorporates key vocabulary, text features, graphic organizers, and open ended questions.
Key Features:
✏️ Build Background- Reinforce key science topics with real-life passages.
✏️Cross Curricular- Integrates nonfiction reading comprehension and science.
✏️Engaging – This resource will capture your students’ attention while they learn important science-related topics. Integrates text and activities to help students understand the topics and stay engaged in the material.
✏️Differentiated- Passages are on two levels to make differentiation easy.
✏️Scaffolding – Utilizes the Lexile Framework® for Reading and a mix of standard-based essay and multiple-choice questions to allow educators to scaffold independent work and homework. Also great for centers and interventions.
What’s Included?
- How to Use This Resource
- Flower Power (520L, 820L)
- Peacock Tails (440L, 830L)
- Penguin Picking (480L, 770L)
- Venus Flytrap Variations (480L, 620L)
- Camouflaging the Peppered Moth (520L, 760L)
- Beetle Size (490L, 760L)
Each passage set includes two differentiated passages on a third-grade level (one at the beginning of the band, one towards the end) and a question set geared towards comprehension and science mastery. The first question is differentiated to include a fill-in-the-blank diagram (lower complexity) or an open-ended diagram (higher complexity).
*Answer Key Included
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Science Reading Passages: Inherited Traits In Plants and Animals – 3-LS3-1
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